Press Releases | Taking Care Of Elderly Parents

Front Book Cover-You Got To Do What You Got To Do

A Challenge Facing Most Adults

You Got To Do What You Got To Do,
My Experience As A Caregiver Taking Care Of My Parents For Over Twenty Years

- April 19, 2017 - PRLog -- James Colozzo has published You Got To Do What You Got To Do, a book that chronicles his firsthand experience being a caregiver taking care of his elderly parents for over twenty years. It was a life changing experience and one that is still ongoing after his mother passed away in 2013.

You Got To Do What You Got To Do
is available in paperback at An electronic book version is available on Apple iBooks, Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook. Please visit for more information.

While many books have been written about being a caregiver of a parent, this book differs because it also deals with the aftermath of the caregiver and how much their life was changed. Recently Mr. Colozzo has appeared on television to make others aware of this challenge. Anyone that has living parents will someday have to make this difficult decision. It is an important subject and for many a ticking time bomb for personal disaster. Mr. Colozzo knows because it happened to him. In his book he describes what had to be done and pitfalls that need to be avoided. All of the information came from his personal experience and is written in his own words. He learned as he actually did all the work required to care for his elderly parents and made mistakes by falling into some pitfalls. In some instances, Mr. Colozzo is still trying to climb his way out.

About James Colozzo

Born and raised in California, James Colozzo was self-employed when he decided to take care of his parents. His father became ill first and after he passed away James immediately started taking care of his mother part time. One morning she awoke and said she could not stand up. On that day James' life changed forever and he started taking care of his mom full time, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. That routine lasted until she passed away in 2013. Over thirteen years of his life was being the full time caregiver of his mother. James is currently available for interviews while he is in the process of rebuilding his life.


James Colozzo



Taking Care Of An Elderly Parent

National Family Caregivers Month-Time To Discuss Your Parents Long Term Care

CHINO, Calif.
- Nov. 1, 2017 - PRLog -- James Colozzo, author of You Got To Do What You Got To Do, says now is the time to sit down with your parents to discuss their long term care and needs. Don't wait for that emergency to happen, such as a heart attack or stroke to realize your parents have no plan for their future care and you have to make a quick decision about it.

Mr. Colozzo has created a
YouTube Channel-Taking Care Of A Parent where he explains topics about caring for elderly parents. He has also written a book "You Got To Do What You Got To Do" and it is available in paperback and ebook at, Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble and other resellers. Please visit for more information.

Recently Mr. Colozzo has appeared on television in Southern California, Nevada and Utah to make others aware of this challenge. He has also been interviewed for retirement and caregiving articles. Anyone that has living parents will someday have to make this difficult decision. It is an important subject and for many a ticking time bomb for personal disaster. Mr. Colozzo knows because it happened to him. In his book he describes what had to be done and pitfalls that need to be avoided. All of the information come's from his personal experience and he learned as he actually did all the work required to care for his elderly parents.

About James Colozzo

Born and raised in California, James Colozzo was self-employed when he decided to take care of his parents. His father became ill first and after he passed away James immediately started taking care of his mother part time. One morning she awoke and said she could not stand up. On that day James' life changed forever and he started taking care of his mom full time, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Over thirteen years of his life was being the full time caregiver of his mother until she passed away in 2013. James is currently available for interviews to inform others about the possible life changing challenge ahead.


James Colozzo



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